Wednesday 19 November 2014

KKYM ohhhh KKYM...........

Perhaps an anxiety that threatens every night, may also be a question that will be answered quickly.Ahh... I have no idea to explain it.

After rehearsal last night Kak Is ask us to  discuss about something that very important and has always been a question for me. After seeing our "Reminding Stories (KKYM)" process lately, Kak Is feel that this play is like losing a "sense" or "soul". As an actor i felt it so. I tried many times to get into the text but the "sense" like I ever felt when playing this play previously didn't come completely. And finally i got the answer last night.

Kak Is said that something that we have known well become something routine and didn't have the mystery anymore. He gave the example like this, a relationship between man and woman who very close and each of them known well all side of their partner's body even a mole under her armpit he memorized it well is a relationship that routine and monotone! That's true! because they always repeat all things continuously without something new and the most important is there was nothing hidden and so that no mystery anymore. It is like the play that will be played! We have known well about the text and often performed, all the dialogues or texts were said or expressed routinely so the soul is missing. To solve this problem is we should take a distance with the text and try to find again the meaning, the soul or the sense of the text deeply. This could be as long as we misinterpret and continuously repeated what was wrong. Kak Is asked us to dig again the meaning in that text or play.

The other problem for me is about the chemistry. I and my friends who play in this performance are seldom or even never discuss about this text lately, so that i lost the chemistry between us.I don't even know my friends feel it so or not, perhaps yes so we can fix it together! Because each of us rarely have time to talk together, I was so hesitant to discuss with them whereas the time is very limited.

Hopefully we can solve those problems and the performance run well and it will give something worthwhile to the audiences and of course for us as performers or actors! Amin

P.S : i've never felt it before, so its really hard for me to explain or even solve it! ohh.........

Kisah-Kisah Yang Mengingatkan
Teater Salihara, 2009
picts by : Witjak Widi (Salihara)

Sunday 16 November 2014

Reminding Stories

ahh,,, very happy to blog again..

Recently, We are preparing our performance to Malaysian International Performing Art Festival in Kuala Lumpur this November. The Fest will be held on 22-26 November in Malaysia Tourism Center (Matic), and we will be there on November 21st. 

In this Fest we will perform our lovely 'Kisah-Kisah Yang Mengingatkan (KKYM)' or "Reminding Stories" written and directed by Iswadi Pratama. I'll tell little bit stories about the process of this performance. Actually we have performed it more than 3 times in some cities in Indonesia, but this is the first time for us to perform it abroad and my first time also go abroad. Very happy and excited join to this fest. 

Did u know that actually we don't have much time to do rehearsal, because we have the other event last week (Fest Teater Pelajar Nasional), so we just have 2 weeks to prepare this performance.In this limit time we try to practice well. There is a challenge in this new version of KKYM,some of the text in it are in english and some in bahasa, that's why we should remind some english text and try to express it. This is not new thing for me, because i've ever performed it in english when it performed in Ubud Writer and Reader Fest 2012, but that was only a poem that i should expressed, meanwhile in here I have 3 poems!! Woww!! some of friends like Laras and Desi are their first time play in english, we try to practice hardly for it.  

The other challenge is the member of our team are only 10 persons and the performer only 7 persons, they are me, Laras, Desi, Ka Budi, Baysa, Rarai, and Ceu Imas. This performance always play by more than 10 persons so we should try to deal with this performance that can be played by 7 persons. The other Kak Is as a director, Kak Deri as a soundman and Kak Jusmar as a lightingman.

Wish that our performance run well.... yeaaahh!!! 

Here i share some of our rehearsal pictures this week...
picts by : Gibran

Festival Teater Pelajar Nasional (Student on the Stage)

Senang sekali bisa terlibat dalam penyelenggaraan event ini "Festival Teater Pelajar Nasional (Student on the Stage)" dan berjalan dengan sangat lancar.Festival ini diselenggarakan pada tanggal 2-7 November 2014 di Gedung Teater Tertutup Taman Budaya Lampung. Teater Satu sudah berkali-kali menyelenggarakan acara ini dan saya rasa ini yang paling memuaskan, hehe. Antusias dari kalangan peserta dan penontonlah yang sangat memuaskan. Event ini diikuti oleh 15 peserta yang tak hanya berasal dari provinsi Lampung saja, tetapi juga dari luar Lampung seperti Solo, Palembang dan Bengkulu. Para peserta juga mementaskan pertunjukan mereka dengan maksimal dan beberapa bahkan memuaskan penonton yang berbondong-bondong menonton di gedung pertunjukan. Penonton yang sebagian besar pelajar juga sangat ramai sekali. Dengan harga tiket sebesar 15k mereka sudah bisa menikmati satu judul pertunjukan teater dari SMA pilihan mereka.

Selama lima hari berturut-turut fest ini menyajikan pertunjukan teater dengan tiga pertunjukan perharinya dengan berbagai judul pertunjukan. Penutupan sekaligus pengumuman pemenang berlangsung di hari Jumat. Pertunjukan mereka dinilai oleh 3 orang juri yaitu Jamaludin Latif (Jogja), Edi Suisno (Padang Panjang) dan Yani Mae (Bandung) dan seorang pengamat pertunjukan yaitu Ari Pahala Hutabarat.

Festival ini dimenangkan oleh Teater Palapa (SMA N 3 B. Lampung) sebagai grup terbaik 1, Teater Choteka (SMA Al-Kautsar B. Lampung) sebagai grup terbaik 2 dan Teater Sebelas (SMA N 11 B.Lampung) sebagai grup terbaik 3.

Berikut beberapa foto pertunjukan dari masing-masing sekolah
Pict by : Gibran
edited by : Ulunk M Rusdi (Rumah Seni Lampung)

Ahhhh... mudah-mudahan tahun depan bisa menggelar Fest ini kembali.....